Fachbereich Mathematik

Veröffentlichungen (publications) und Lebenslauf (CV) von Ruben Jakob

    Lebenslauf (CV)
  1. Jakob, R.:
    Unstable extremal surfaces of the ''Shiffman-functional''. Calc. Var. 21, 401--427 (2004).
  2. Jakob, R.:
    H-surface-index-formula. Ann I.H. Poincare -- Analyse Non-lineaire 22, 557--578 (2005).
  3. Jakob, R.:
    Unstable extremal surfaces of the ''Shiffman functional'' spanning rectifiable boundary curves. Calc. Var., 383--409 (2007).
  4. Jakob, R.:
    A ''quasi maximum principle'' for I-surfaces. Ann. I.H. Poincare -- Analyse Non-lineaire, 549--561 (2007).
  5. Jakob, R.:
    Mollified and classical Green functions on the unit disc. Duisburger Math. Schriftenreihe 625, (2006).
  6. Jakob, R.:
    Schwarz operators of minimal surfaces spanning polygonal boundary curves. Calc. Var. 30, 467--476 (2007).
  7. Jakob, R.:
    Finiteness of the set of solutions of Plateau's problem for polygonal boundary curves. Ann. I.H. Poincare -- Analyse Non-lineaire 24, 963--987 (2007).
  8. Jakob, R.:
    Local boundedness of the set of solutions of Plateau's problem for polygonal boundary curves. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 33, 231--244 (2008).
  9. Jakob, R.:
    Finiteness of the number of solutions of Plateau's problem for polygonal boundary curves II. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 36, 19--35 (2009).
  10. Jakob, R.:
    Boundary branch points of minimal surfaces spanning extreme polygons. Result. Math. 55, 87--100 (2009).
  11. Jakob, R.:
    About the finiteness of the set of solutions of Plateau's problem for polygonal boundary curves. Analysis 29, 365--385 (2009).
  12. Bergner, M., Jakob, R.:
    Exclusion of boundary branch points of minimal surfaces. Analysis 31, 181--190 (2011).
  13. Desideri, L., Jakob, R.:
    Immersed solutions of Plateau's problem for piecewise smooth boundary curves with small total curvature. Result. Math. 63, 891--901 (2013).
  14. Bergner, M., Jakob, R.:
    Sufficient conditions for Willmore-immersions in R^3 to be minimal surfaces. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 45, 129--146 (2014).
  15. Jakob, R.:
    Short-time existence of the Möbius-invariant Willmore flow. Accepted by ''The Journal of Geometric Analysis''.

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Ruben Jakob, Universität Tübingen. (e-mail: jakob at mail.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de)